Me and my beach boy

Me and my beach boy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What a Weekend!

We left Friday afternoon for Denver-took till 3am our time to get there as the storms in the midwest were too significant for us to fly through. So we waited on the runway for 2+ hours aboard our Jet Blue flight. As uncomfortable as that might sound I can at least say that the crew of our flight did everything possible to keep us comfortable. Free movies once we were en route was much appreciated. I actually enjoyed Gulliver's Travels. Probably not so much if I had to pay for it but it did help pass the time in those bumpy skies.
I've come a long way in my ability to fly again. For years I avoided it-partly due to my true dislike and partly due to the constant memory of how a ill-fated flight took the life of my father. I certainly never forget that every time I board but I have found ways to cope (without medication now!) that get me through a flight. I know that much of what helps is that my children are all grown and fully capable of taking care of themselves.
As for the rest of our weekend-we packed in a lot! Saturday morning we drove out to Boulder for the Celestial Tea Tour. Did you know that tea doesn't have an expiration date? If it's been on the shelf a long time just use 2 tea bags!

The big surprise for our friend Joe was just that-a big surprise! Carol managed to pull off 9 months of planning and when he walked in to the castle it was apparent that he had no idea that his simple dinner out was actually a night to celebrate his nearly 39 years with Ge/Martin Marietta/Lockhead Martin!

Sunday brought another day of fun and beauty. A trip to Castle of the Gods which was enjoyed on an hour long Segway tour. Breathtaking views of one of the most unique places we have in this country.

A red-eye flight home-thank goodness no delays this time!

Arriving home we saw our yard was an explosion of purple-the rhododendrons are in bloom!

We managed to snap some shots of Molly giving kisses, putting on her new super-cool crocs and holding her precious baby sister.

As if the weekend wasn't fun enough-we went to watch the Memorial Day parade which conveniently goes right by Jason and Liz's house.

Thank you never seems like a big enough phrase to all the women and men in our Armed Forces. But it comes from the heart. Thank you.

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