Me and my beach boy

Saturday, October 6, 2012
Twas a great weekend!
Last weekend, September 28, Tim and I drove to New Jersey to visit with Mary Rose and John. It had been too long since I'd had the chance to spend some time with Colleen and it was so good to see her! And her beautiful smiles! She just turned 21! What a strong and brave girl she is!
Tim, John and Gerald (John's brother) went fishing early Saturday morning. Of course the water was rough and the fish practically nonexistent but that's par for the course for Tim! He did enjoy conversing with John and Gerald despite mother nature's unpleasant rain lashing.
Mary Rose, Colleen and I took a drive to New Hope to see where Caitlin's wedding reception will be next July. And I loved it! I can just imagine it coming to life with flowers and twinkling lights!
Here's a photo of one of the buildings where the reception will be held. The place is called Holly Hedge. The first photo is from their website. The second I snapped with my IPad
Saturday evening we went into Princeton and had a delicious dinner at The Ferry House.
And fortunately Lizzie was able to join us! She's such a beautiful and talented young woman. Wish my IPhone photo had been better so I could post it here. But alas, I do not want Lizzie thinking poorly of me for posting a less than stellar photo of her! She is truly a lovely and pretty woman.
But I do have a photo of Mary Rose, John, Tim and me. Nicely shot by Helen!
Sunday morning came too quickly and we were off to return home. I anxiously await our next visit!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Another special day
First day of preschool for Molly is both exciting and heartwarming. I took her to school and she didn't even look back once she was in her classroom! She knew to look for her name in the hallway so she could put her jacket and backpack away and then it was a quick sprint into her classroom. When I returned she was all smiles and said it was FUN!
Here's some pics from this most eventful day!
Yummy breakfast before school!
Kisses to Mommy before she heads out to work!
Love you Mommy!
And now it's off to school!
Emily was very excited with this special day too!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday Monday!
Yesterday was another beautiful weather day. Tim worked on the pool in the morning and then we took a drive to Inlet and Old Forge to enjoy the leaf change as well as some walking. My little toe-which I broke about a month ago is still pretty tender but i was able to get some wide toed sneakers on. In fact we logged in over 10,000 steps with our fitbits yesterday!
As I continue to add photos from this past year here are some from the scrapbook pages I sent to Per and Jeanne's kids just before their 30th wedding anniversary. Their kids Kristin and Erika and darling daughter-in-law Samantha had planned to present them with a very special "Pearls of Wisdom" scrapbook and had enlisted the help of many of Per and Jeanne's friends to submit photos and stories. At the very last minute Per and Jeanne decided to throw themselves a small and intimate-but totally gorgeous anniversary party. Just a few weeks before Christmas they were uncertain who would be able to join them. Well we cancelled any plans we had and jumped in the car! Per has always been my "other" brother and I have adored Jeanne since the day they said I do!
The celebration was held at a local business-friends of theirs have a flower shop and we were able to use the back room-which was decorated to the nines! It was one of the loveliest parties we have ever been to. And all of their friends welcoming and friendly. Their children had beautiful toasts to their parents as well as Per and Jeanne reclaiming their love to each other via letters they read aloud. We too were asked to share stories and it was so much fun!
Here's the photo album photos:
And photos at the event
Our time with our dear friends was priceless and we had no idea what major change was awaiting us when we returned home. Shortly before turning in the driveway Elizabeth called to say that our Golden Retriever of 13 years-Brinkley-was outside in the cold and would not come in. He was huddled under some brush in the back yard. We jumped out of the car when we pulled in the driveway and as soon as I saw him I knew our time with him would be very short. If you can find something positive in such a sad moment there was. All of the kids were nearby and able to come right away to say goodbye to our most beloved and faithful friend. Molly was young enough-just barely-to not realize that something very sad was happening. She never asked about Brinkley-the dog she used to call Bacon. To this day each morning when I get up I expect to see him on his bed in the kitchen. And when I open the door to the house I forget that he is no longer there to greet me. I will never feel as though I did enough for that sweet boy of mine. He was my everyday companion and I was very lucky to have spent as many years with him as I did. But 13 will never be long enough.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Good Morning Saturday!
It was another fun week with my little sweethearts. Tuesday we went to Fly Creek Cider Mill first thing in the morning. It's a bit of a ride-about an hour-thank goodness for the DVD player and my IPad. Molly was highly entertained with her "mouse movie" aka Desperaux-and Emily had to have her Baby Einstein on the IPad. I finally just emailed myself some links to her favorite YouTube Einstein videos so I didn't have to search each time we get in the car.
Wednesday morning we gave Uncle Jason a ride to Toyota to pick up his car and then stopped at the garage so I could do the new voice over for the phone system. Then a stop at the Express Lube to drop off supplies and a quick stop at Target. Molly loves to ride in the cart down the toy aisle oohing and aahing over all the dolls and barbies. "Oh Mimi-these are soooo beautiful!" And Emily prefers to imagine her life as Houdini-trying to escape the safety belt in the cart. But alas, I'm too smart for bam bam as I know the key to happiness for this little peanut is constant motion and not overstaying our welcome! And as I've told so many my alter ego Mitzy and Mimi argue every day. If it was up to Mitzy these little princesses would go home with a cartload of toys EVERY day! But Mimi always wins out with-we're just looking girls! That's not to say Mimi doesn't occasionally toss in something fun-like the Little Kitty nail polish and lip gloss kit! First time I painted her nails and the second time Molly wanted to manage her own pedicure. Not bad for a 3 year old!
Thursday morning was Molly's walk thru at St. John's Nursery School. As I told Cale they won't have any problem with her going-it's leaving that may be an issue! She loved her classroom! What sweet teachers she has. This is going to be a great experience for them!
When we returned from the walk thru it's was playgroup time! Had a large group at the playground. Mike Brych and his 3 little guys, Sarah Amante with her 2 youngest, Kim Reale with her 2 youngest and some other folks that heard about the fun. So glad they all came and enjoyed Fantasyland! Great kids with wonderful parents. Always enjoy their company!
After naps Emma and Mary arrived. Molly had asked if we could get ice cream before they came and we made a quick stop at Nicky Doodles to pick up some ice cream to go. I always smile when I go to Nicky Doodles as I ( and my awesome family) made it possible to have an ice cream shop so close to home! I don't miss running Frosty's although I often miss all the wonderful kids I had working for me and the great memories we created.
Home just in time to have some fun under the sprinkler-although the first hour Molly and Emma were upstairs playing dress up and house. Pretty sure Molly was in control and ordering Emma around-all in good fun and Emma didn't complain. She has always been so sweet to Molly!
Here's some pics of the fun they had with that crazy sprinkler!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Good Morning Monday!
This past year I visited 3 special relatives. My Aunt Naomi played an important role in my life as a child. She is one of many sisters of my dad. We went on many trips with Aunt Naomi and one of my favorite memories is when she dressed up as Cat Woman for Halloween. She's now 85 and still vibrant with an incredible memory!
My Aunt Ruby-eldest sister of my mom lives in Christiansburg Virginia. I stop as often as my travels allow me. She was the aunt that never forgot a birthday when we were kids-and would put that magical dollar bill in our card! Aunt Ruby is as sweet as sugar!
And then there's George-my nephew-son of my brother Clay. Last fall I picked him up from where he was living in Charlotte and off we went to a week in Myrtle Beach. I asked him to go to Brookgreen Garden with me as it's one of my favorite places.
We had a lot of fun just taking pictures and walking around the beautiful grounds.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Little bit of everything!
Last nights Make-A-Wish ball was a grand success! A full house with some very clever ideas for fun. You purchased "Wish" bucks-had photos of wish kids on each one-then took them to the casino table to gamble for more-or less :( Then back to the purchase table with any winnings to purchase raffle tickets to win a 3 minute shopping spree at Tops Food Markets. Nope we didn't win but it was fun.
Also available were door keys to take a chance on a $5000 shopping spree at a Syracuse jewelers. We bought 3 but alas, nope, didn't win again! Still fun! And also you could buy raffle tickets and then place them in the bags by items that had been donated-our Shindig this past summer donated enough goodies for 5 gift baskets! And also available were items for silent auction. In the end we did win some nifty things!
One I can't say yet - well actually 2 just in case Tim reads this-doubtful but you never know! The third item was a binocular and tripod set from HGTV that Tim really wanted. Said the binoculars reminded him of a pair that were used on my dad's search nearly 30 years ago. Some things we just never forget........
The next series of photos are a mixture of fun things we did last fall!
Starting with our September 2011 trip to NYC with Bridgestone Tire. As always they never fail to WOW us! That trip took us to Ellis Island for a special tour and dinner. The next night we were treated to an amazing evening at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. And throw in there a dinner at Sardi's and an evening Broadway show of Memphis-incredible! And although the President was in NYC and traffic was beyond horrible- as well as security everywhere-we managed to navigate the crowds and have a totally spectacular trip. In fact my first morning there I went to Adolfo's Salon and had a new "do" And I loved it! To make it an even more incredible trip when I woke up Tim announced there was something under my pillow. Imagine my total surprise when I saw the most gorgeous ring ever made! A diamond center with sapphires on either side. All this for our 32nd anniversary! Yep-he's THAT guy-never stops surprising me!
Last years new "do"!
And the fun continued when Mary Rose and John drove into the city to meet us for dinner and a show! Oh how I love our get togethers-if only we lived a bit closer! We'll be driving down to see them the end of this month and I can't wait!!!!
And before I end this session of photos let me put in a few of Jason's farewell event at Piggy Pats. He made a courageous decision to leave his job with New Hartford Central Schools and pursue his dream of full-time employment with his own company, Polymath Technologies. They currently develop software for Process Servers-that line is called Process Master. Oh that will need an entire page to itself in the days to come. Let me just give you a hint about how I feel.......Beyond Proud! One year later he's doing fantastic and although he works every day from sun up to sun down he has never been happier. This has been his dream since he was 9!
And Jason's new license plate reads: THIWTLIG-can you figure it out? Hint-my dad loved that expression!
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